Now this here's Fiddle News, where purty much news about fiddle happenin's are assembled from all across the country.

Now you young whippersnappers keep an eye out on these 'ere pages, so's ye'll what's happenin' in the fiddle world real soon! As always, y'all come! (Ptui!)

Here's t' me Fiddle Friends at Fiddler Magazine on their 25th Anniversary! That issue fer Spring 2019 had articles on fiddle soloists Phil Salazar, Britanny Haas and Beth Bahia Cohen; fiddlemaker Anya Burgess; Dollywood's fiddler-in-residence, Miss Sarah Cammisano; the fiddlers of Cirque du Soleil; improvisational fiddlers Ellie Hakanson and Adam Sutherland --- and a special Fiddler Magazine 25th Anniversary Waltz, written by Judy Hyman! Fiddler Magazine is always available at selected Barnes & Noble Bookstores Magazine Racks!

Well, summertime done return'd to Smithville --- and the 48th Annual Smithville, Tennessee Fiddlers' Jamboree and Crafts Festival made a lotta folks purty happy fer that one weekend outside th' DeKalb County Courthouse, at the Olde Towne Square! And whether er not ye Fiddle Folks watched it on WCTE-TV, or heard it on WJLE 1480 AM and 101.7 FM Radio, or saw the livestream on, or maybe even doin' all three --- one thing's fer sure: I was at home, doin' all o' th' above --- and fiddlin' meself silly, too! Y'all come! (Ptui!)


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